Lernen von orthodoxen Ikonen: Jesus und die Samaritanerin am Brunnen

Jesus und die Samaritanerin am (Jakobs-)Brunnen (in Sichem/Nablus) vor Berg Garizim (rechts) und Berg Ebal (links)


If I myself see this icon TODAY and after years of studies, I RECOGNIZE features, others will not recognize, which are:
– On left side is the Mount Ebal – at first with a Neolithic ALTAR
– On right side is Mount Garizim – at first with an ALTAR, built on order of MOSES.
(See report (source 1) from the excavator of Mt. Ebal in the late 1970ties, Adam Zertal, University of Haifa, with some remarks on Garizim as well)
– These are the TWO PLACES, where Moses is said to have performed the following RITUAL: Half of the tribes of Israel were placed on the EBAL and the other half on the GARIZIM and the EBAL-lots CURSING and the GARIZIM-folks BLESSING – and I have not the slightest idea to what purpose!
– The GARIZIM until TODAY is the HOLY MOUNTAIN of Samaritans, of which they guess, have survived approx. 1000 persons until today, which have a BIBLE VERSION OF THEIR OWN.
– On the Garizim once were TWO special buildings: the SAMARITAIN TEMPLE built there in 4th century BC (and precedentes by the altar of Moses ins ame place), SAID TO BE OF SIMILAR SIZE and IMPORTANCE compared with the TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM.This Samaritan temple on Garizim was destroyd by Jerusalem-King Johannes Hyrkanos I. in 129 BC (for to me so far unknown reasons). (source 2) But afterwards Emperor St. Konstantin inspired by ths attemps of the Emperor-Mother St. Helena to yourney in old age the entire Near East for to collect as much of ORIGINAL REMAINS from times and places of JESUS CHRIST himself and his 12 Apostles, built there an IMPRESSIVE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, that however was destroyed at around 700 AD by Arab folks flooding the lands to spread the TEACHING AND KNOWLEDGE of the new ISLAM religion.
– What I cannot comment on, because I have no further knowledge, is the GEOMETRICAL form of the well „tending to a cross with equal arms“, which has a meaning in geometrical-geodetical contexts of OLD METHODS for „landscape structuring“.
– „Landscape structuring“ is not far from „terraforming“ and both will result in STRUCTURED REGIONS, which we have indicated on this icon: THIS ICON is indicating the FIRST JEWISH-ARAMAIC SPIRITUAL CENTER set up by MOSES himself, which was a „structured region“ from SILO, where once was the tent-santuary for the holy „Ark of Covenant“, to the town / settlement of SICHEM / today: Nablus with SPECIAL WELLS – as for instance the well of forefather Jacob in existence until today – plus the two mountains forming „important landscape marks“.
– But the MOST astonishing thing in this icon is, that they INDEED just RECENTLY found an Mount Ebal (source 3) a RATHER OLD sanctuary of MEGALITHIC TYPE – „iron era“ -, which IS GREAT SURPRISE – and not fully researched yet.

Now go on: All this and MORE is in type of INFORMATION-bits „within“ this icon – whether someone can DECODE and RE-TELL it in type of „narrative“ and UNDERSTAND the function / purpose of it all, which was hinting to the SIGNIFICANCE of the FIIRST SPIRITUAL CENTER of ISRAEL within Kanaan – PLUS Jesus Christ linked back to NEOLITHIC times, which in biblical archeology and chronology of Israel TODAY are forming a great riddle and controversy: It seems that the entire DATING of the „era around 1000 BC“ has become shaky at moment and „better ground“ in chronology starting at around 800-700 BC, when King Jojakim and his High Priest Hiskias based on a writer-caste, that fled from the North of Israel to Jerusalem, built and formed a NEW DOCTRINE of of ROYAL POWER with Jerusalem and the King and the Ark of Covenant as CENTER – and such King David and his son Salomo suddenly given the role of something near to a „small city-major“ only! I may add: King Jojakim by Israel Finkelstein and other progressive researchers in Israel today is seen as REDACTOR of the Holy Bible, CHANGING TEXTS and DOCTRINE HEAVILY. We for instance today have hints, that JHWH a) very probably WAS DEPICTED – with 3faced figurines of primitive style – and b) had a female companion – called ASCHERA, which, by the way, is an OLD NAME of SIRIUS (!) – which is directly opposed to the CAHNGINGS King Jojakim introduced!

Question however is: Will all this wonderful „historical HALF-knowledge“ CHANGE the function of an Orthodox ICON, which potentially are MIRACLEWORKING?
May it be thinkable or possible, that TRANSFER OF INFORMATIONS by WORDS may be in cases surpassed by transfer-method of VIEWING and even TEMPLATING?

And what may we LEARN here?
Well, there may be occasions, when INFORMATION ENCAPSULED IN WORDS may needed, but in other cases it may be SUFFICIENT, to get, what VIEWING and TEMPLATING have to offer not only to the RATIONAL mind, but to the SOUL!


1 Koenigsberg, Zvi: Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal: Israel’s Holy Site Before Shiloh (report from 1970ties excavation campaigns on Ebal and Garizim by Adm Zertal, University of Haifa); in „the Torha“ (website) – URL https://www.thetorah.com/article/joshuas-altar-on-mount-ebal-israels-holy-site-before-shiloh

Compare with „Garizim“ in Wikipedia DE URL https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garizim – Quotation START: > Hier stand der Tempel der Samariter, der im 4. Jh. v. Chr. gebaut und um 129 v. Chr. durch den Hasmonäer-König Johannes Hyrkanos I. (135–104 v. Chr.) zerstört wurde. Bei Grabungen seit 1964 wurde der Begehungshorizont der Tempelanlage auf 881 m freigelegt … < Quotation END

 3  Compare with Ebal“ in Wikipedia DE URL
 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebal - Quotation START: 
> Am Nordosthang des Ebal befindet sich bei el-Burnaṭ
 ein ummauerter Siedlungsplatz der Eisenzeit I 
in strategisch günstiger Lage. Innerhalb der Mauern
 wurden zwei Siedlungsschichten freigelegt. - 
Ältere Phase (1240–1200 v. Chr.): ein Heiligtum bzw. 
eine Opferstätte und ein Vierraumhaus als Wohnung 
für die Priester; - Jüngere Phase (1200–1140 v. Chr.): 
ein größeres Bauwerk (evtl. ein überdimensionierter Altar) 
mit zwei Höfen. < Quotation END – see (Ebal) – 
Mount Ebal in Wikipedia EN URL

Views: 79

*11.06.1953, Bremen, Germany - long years in Neuss/Germany